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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "妖", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "妖", and master the standard way of writing the character "妖".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 妖
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "妖" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
妖 (yāo)
1. 迷信的人指异于常态而害人的东西:Goblins or monsters that cause harm as referred to by superstitious people.
2. 装束或神态不正派:Attire or demeanor that is improper.
3. 媚,艳丽:Charming, beautiful, or gorgeous.
4. 邪恶而迷惑人的:Evil and deceptive.
1. 古称一切反常怪异的事物或现象:Ancient term for all abnormal or strange things or phenomena.
2. 迷信传说中称害人的怪物:Goblin, a mythical creature that causes harm in superstitious legends.
3. 借指美女:Referring to a beautiful woman.
- 《三苍》:妖,妍也。("Yaos are beautiful.")
- 《楚辞·天问》:妖夫曳衔。("The bewitching husband drags the bridle.")
- 《汉书·司马相如传》:妖冶闲都。 注:“妖冶,美好也。”("The charming beauty is idle in the city. Note: 'Yaoye' means beautiful.")
- 清·侯方域《壮梅堂文集》:妖姬静女。("Bewitching beauties and quiet ladies.")
- 妖妍(艳丽): Gorgeous; 妖姿(艳丽的姿容): Beautiful appearance; 妖异(美艳奇异): Strange and beautiful; 妖丽(艳丽): Gorgeous; 妖靡(艳丽华美): Beautifying elegance; 妖蛊(艳丽): Bewitching; 妖姬(美女): Beautiful woman; 妖玩(美女): Beautiful girl.
- 妖蜃(传说中的海中怪物): A legendary sea monster that creates mirages; 妖幻(怪异的幻术): Strange illusion; 妖邪(妖异怪诞): Evil and bizarre.
1. 怪诞,怪异:Weird.
2. 妖媚。淫邪,不正:Seductively charming, lascivious, or improper.
3. 不祥:Ominous.
4. 邪恶;品质恶劣:Evil or of bad character.
5. 装束奇特、作风不正派——多指女性:Bewitching; coquette.
- 妖红: Women seducing men; 妖妙: Bewitchingly beautiful; 妖惑: Charming demeanor; 妖韶: Beauty that enchants; 妖娇: Lovely; 妖服: Bewitching clothing.
- 妖氛: Ominous cloud; 妖星: Ominous star, like a comet; 妖祥: Bad omen or good omen; 妖服: Ominous clothing.
- 妖童: Evil child.
- 妖妖调调: Flirty and charming; 妖里妖气: Flirtatious charm.