Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "妮", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "妮", and master the standard way of writing the character "妮".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 妮
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "妮" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
妮 (nī)
1. 女孩子。
(English: little girl)
2. 女孩子:~子。小~儿。
(English: little girl: ~子, little ~儿)
3. 【本义】:婢女,侍候主人的女孩子。
(English: Original meaning: maid, a girl serving her master)
4. 【造字法】:形声。从女,尼声。
(English: Word formation: phono-semantic compound. Composed of the character for "woman" 女 and the phonetic sound 尼.)
5. 同本义 ([En.] maid)
6. 少女 ([En.] little girl).
7. 〈方〉∶母亲 ([En.] mother)
8. 引用: 《六书政》:今又谓婢曰妮。
(English: Quotation: "Now maids are also called '妮'.")
9. 引用: 《新五代史》:吾有梳头妮子。
(English: Quotation: "I have a maid to comb my hair.")
10. 例: 如:妮子
(English: Example: such as "妮子")
11. 〈方〉∶母亲 ([En.] mother)
12. 引用: 杨炳南《海录·南海》:子称父曰伯伯,称母曰妮。
(English: Quotation: "A child refers to the father as '伯伯' and to the mother as '妮'.")
13. 【引自繁体辞典解释】
(English: Quoted from traditional dictionary explanation)
14. 婢女。如:「婢妮」。《大宋宣和遗事·利集》:「帝观翫,忽有一妮婢,衣褐衣,口称韦夫人遣来。」
(English: Maid. For example: "婢妮". "In the 'Records of the Song Dynasty' it states: 'The emperor observed and suddenly there was a maid, dressed in brown, sent by Lady Wei.'")
15. 小女孩,有爱怜或鄙视的意思。如:「小妮子」。
(English: Little girl, with a sense of affection or disdain. For example: "小妮子".)