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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "愕", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "愕", and master the standard way of writing the character "愕".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 愕
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "愕" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
愕 [è]
1. 惊讶: 대비 예
- Starled: (e.g., 愕胎, 愕异, 惊愕, 错愕, 闻之愕然)
2. 古同“谔”,直言不讳:
- Same as "谔", meaning to speak frankly.
- 本义: 惊讶
- Original Meaning: Startled
- 造字法: 形声。从心,咢声。
- Character Construction: Phono-semantic, composed of "heart" and the sound "è".
Usage Examples:
1. 愕,惊也。——《广雅·释诂一》
- Startled, surprised. — "Guangya, Explanation and Interpretation"
1. 《汉书·张良传》:愕,然欲殴之。
- "The Book of Han: Zhang Liang's Biography": Startled, yet wanted to strike.
2. 班固《西都赋》:犹愕眙而不能阶。
- "Ban Gu's Xidu Fu": Like being startled and unable to step forward.
3. 《聊斋志异·促织》:成骇立愕呼。
- "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio": Terrified and stood still, calling out in surprise.
- 又如: 成益愕,急逐趁之,蟆入草间。
- For example: Being startled, hurriedly chased, and the frog entered the grass.
1. 马中锡《中山狼传》:先生且喜且愕,舍狼而前。
- "The Story of Zhongshan Wolf": The gentleman was both happy and startled, leaving the wolf behind and going forward.
- 又如: 愕怪 (surprise); 愕窒 (fearful and unable to breathe); 愕梦 (startled dream).
2. 直言 ([En.] blow off)
- Speaking frankly
1. 《管子·白心》:愕愕者不以天下为忧。
- "Guanzi": Those who speak frankly do not worry about the world.
2. 《盐铁论·国疾》:万里之朝,日闻唯唯,而后闻诸生之愕愕,此乃公卿之良药针石。
- "Discussion on Salt and Iron": For thousands of miles, listening day in and day out, then hearing the students speaking frankly, this is the good medicine for the lords and ministers.
3. 《后汉书·陈蕃传》:謇愕之操,华首弥固。
- "Book of the Later Han: Chen Fan's Biography": The ability to speak frankly, the more solemn it is.
- 又如: 愕愕 (speaking frankly).