Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "筚", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "筚", and master the standard way of writing the character "筚".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 筚
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "筚" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
筚 bì
1. 用荆条、竹子等编成的篱笆或其他遮拦物。
(A fence or other enclosure made from thorns, bamboo, etc.)
2. 用荆条、竹子等编成的器物。
(A general term for items woven from bamboo, thorns, etc.)
本义: 用竹子编成的篱笆。
(Original meaning: A fence made from bamboo.)
造字法: 形声。从竹,毕声。
(Word formation: Phono-semantic compound, consisting of the component for bamboo and the phonetic element 'bì'.)
1. 《说文》:筚,藩落也。
(Shuōwén: "筚" refers to an enclosure.)
2. 《广雅》:筚,篱也。
(Guāngyǎ: "筚" also means a fence.)
3. 《左传·襄公十年》:筚门圭窦之人。注:“柴门也。”
(Zuo Zhuan: Refers to "people from humble homes". Note: "柴门" means a simple door made from wood or bamboo.)
又如: 筚门(荆竹编成的门。又称柴门。常用以喻指贫户居室); 筚路(柴车。多以荆竹编织,简陋无饰)
(For example: 筚门 (A door made of bamboo or thorns, also called a simple door, often used to describe humble abodes); 筚路 (A cart made from bamboo or thorns, usually simple and unadorned).)
2. 泛指用竹子、荆条等织成的器物。
(Another meaning: A general term for items woven from bamboo, thorns, etc.)
1. 《左传》:筚路蓝缕,以启山林。
(Zuo Zhuan: "A simple and humble path leads to the exploration of mountains and forests.")