Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "绚", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "绚", and master the standard way of writing the character "绚".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 绚
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "绚" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
绚 (xuàn)
1. 有文采的,色彩华丽。
[En.] Effulgent, colorful and elegant.
2. 同本义(含有色彩灿烂多姿的意思)
[En.] Same as the original meaning (implying brilliant and colorful).
3. 通“侚”。迅疾的样子
[En.] Fast; a quick appearance.
4. 辉映;照耀
[En.] Shine; illuminate.
5. 点缀
[En.] Embellish.
6. 使眩惑迷乱
[En.] Dazzle; confuse.
- 绚丽 (xuàn lì): splendid, dazzling in appearance.
- 绚文 (xuàn wén): elegant and colorful writing.
- 绚采 (xuàn cǎi): graceful and colorful talent.
- 绚素 (xuàn sù): using white as a base and embellishing it in art.
- 《玉篇》:绚,文貌。
- 皮日休《雨中游包山精舍》:松门亘五里,碧彩高下绚。
- 《论语·八佾》:素以为绚兮。
- 张草《河满子》:江枫绚似红妆。