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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "莹", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "莹", and master the standard way of writing the character "莹".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 莹
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "莹" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
瑩 yíng
【本义】: 珠光的光采
【Original meaning】: The lustre of a gem.
1. 同本义 ([En.] gem lustre)
1. 例如:《说文》:莹,玉色。一曰石之次玉者。
1. Example: "Shuowen": Ying, the color of jade. Also said to refer to stones next to jade.
2. 似玉的宝石 ([En.] jade-like stone)
1. 例如:《诗·齐风·著》:尚之以琼莹乎而。
1. Example: "Book of Songs": Is adorned with jade-like brilliance.
1. 光洁透明 ([En.] sparkling and clean)
1. 例如:《晋书·乐广传》:此人之水镜,见之莹然。
1. Example: "Book of Jin": In this person's water mirror, it appears sparkling.
2. 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》:色泽莹润。
2. Lu You: The colors are lustrous and bright.
3. 例如: 莹玉(光洁透明的玉);莹滑(晶莹润滑);莹静(晶莹洁白)。
1. 使明洁。使生光泽 ([En.] polish)
1. 例如:《周书·苏绰传》:夫良玉未剖,与百石相类;名骥未弛,与驽马相杂。乃其剖而莹之,弛而试之,玉石驽骥然后始分。
1. Example: "Book of Zhou": Good jade has not been carved, resembling various stones; a noble steed has not yet run freely, mingling with sluggish horses. Only after they are polished and tested can they be distinguished.
2. 例如: 莹拂(磨拭;使光洁);莹磨(谓磨治使光洁);莹目(使眼睛明亮)。
2. 明白;觉悟 ([En.] understand)
1. 例如: …其论尚多未莹者。——梁启超语
1. Example: "There are still many unclarified points in the discussion." — Liang Qichao
2. 例如: 莹净(明白,清楚);莹听(明听,明白事理)。
3. 装饰 ([En.] adorn)
1. 例如: 莹角(装饰牛的角)。