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透 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 透

透 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 透

透 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 透

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 透

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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "透", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "透", and master the standard way of writing the character "透".

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 透

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "透" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 透 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "透" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 透 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 透

Pinyin tòu
10 strokes
to penetrate / thorough / penetrating / to pass through / to pierce
透 [tòu] 1. 通过,穿通:to pass through, to penetrate. 2. 通达:to reach, to understand. 3. 泄露:to leak, to reveal. 4. 极度:extremely, exceedingly. 5. 显露:to show, to appear. 6. 达到饱满、充分的程度:to reach a full or sufficient degree. Examples: 1. 通过,穿通:透明 (clear), 透镜 (lens), 透视 (perspective), 透析 (dialysis), 渗透 (permeate), 穿透 (penetrate). 2. 通达:透彻 (thorough), 透辟 (lucid). 3. 泄露:透露 (disclose). 4. 极度:恨透了 (extremely hateful). 5. 显露:这朵花白里透红 (the flower is white with a hint of red). 6. 达到饱满、充分的程度:雨下透了 (the rain has fallen fully). 动词 meanings: 1. 同本义 (original meaning): jump. 2. 穿过,透过 (to pass through). 3. 暗地里告诉,透露 (to tell secretly). 4. 逃走;奔逃 (to escape). 5. 显露出来 (to appear). 6. 超过 (to exceed; surpass). 形容词 meanings: 1. 达到充分的程度 (thorough). 2. 彻底,完全 (thoroughly). 3. 极端,极其 (extremely). 4. 更加 (more; even more). Examples: - 透雨 (thoroughly wet), 透亮 (clear and bright), 这衣服太透了 (this clothing is too sheer), 凉透 (very cold), 熟透 (cooked through), 烦透了 (very annoyed). - 透商 (a thorough discussion), 对问题了解得很透 (understands the issue very thoroughly), 透体 (thorough), 透头 (fit), 透晰 (clear and thorough), 透情 (to the fullest), 透悟 (to understand thoroughly), 透心 (very deep), 透晓 (to understand completely). - 透灵儿 (extremely clever and quick-witted person). - 透便宜的卖了 (selling at a very low price).
tòu chè
penetrating / thorough / incisive
líng lóng tī tòu
exquisitely made / very clever
jīng yíng tī tòu
crystal clear / glittering and translucent
tī tòu
pure and limpid / (of a person) quick-witted
tū tòu jìng
convex lens
mō tòu
have an insight into / get to know clearly
tòu míng
transparent / open (non-secretive)
tòu xī
dialysis (separation of crystalloids by osmosis)
shèn tòu
to permeate / to infiltrate / to pervade / osmosis
jìn tòu
to soak / to saturate / to drench / to permeate
shèn tòu yā
osmotic pressure
shèn tòu lǜ
permeability / penetrance
shèn tòu xìng
permeability / penetrability / osmosis / perviousness
shèn tòu lì
seepage force / osmotic force
shèn tòu fǎ
osmose process
湿 shī tòu
drenched / wet through
zuó mo bù tòu
elusive / blurred
tòu zhěn
promoting eruption
tòu liàng
bright / shining / translucent / crystal clear
穿 chuān tòu
to penetrate
穿 chuān tòu lì
penetrating power
tòu lù
to leak out / to divulge / to reveal
tòu pì
penetrating / incisive
tòu míng dù
transparency / (policy of) openness
tòu chū
penetrate / show
tòu guò
to pass through / to penetrate / by means of / via
tòu jìng
lens (optics)
tòu shì
to see through / perspective / to examine by fluoroscopy (i.e. X-ray)
bàn tòu míng
translucent / semitransparent
kàn tòu
to understand thoroughly / to see beyond the facade / to see through (sb)
Input Method for 透
Pinyin tou4
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters