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贮 (zhù)
1. 储存。
2. 储存:~存。~藏(cáng )。~积。
Storage: to store, to conceal, to accumulate.
3. 【本义】:积存,收藏
[Original Meaning]: to accumulate, to collect.
4. 【造字法】:形声。从贝,宁( zhù )声。从贝与财物有关。
[Character Formation]: Phonetic-ideographic character. The left part is 贝 (shell, related to money), and the right part is 宁 (zhù) which indicates sound.
5. 同本义(侧重于保存,含有积累储存的过程) ([En.] store; hold)
Same original meaning (focuses on preservation, implies the process of accumulation and storage).
6. 等待。通“伫” ([En.] wait)
Wait. Same as “伫”.
1. 《说文》:貯,积也。 按,与宁同。因宁为朝宁义所专,复制此字。
"Shuowen Jiezi": "贮" means to accumulate. Note that it is the same as 宁. The character is derived from 宁, which has a specialized meaning in the morning.
2. 货物贮藏于市中。——《周礼·廛人》注
Goods are stored in the market. — Annotation from "Zhou Li • Chān Rén".
3. 《吕氏春秋·乐成》:我有衣冠,而子产贮之。
"Lüshi Chunqiu": I have clothes and caps, and you, Chancan, stored it.
4. 晁错《论贵粟疏》:而商贾大者积贮倍息,小者坐列贩卖。
"Chao Cuo's Commentary on Expensive Grain": The large merchants accumulate wealth at double interest, while the smaller ones stand in line to sell.
5. 《世说新语·任诞》:厨中有贮酒数百斛。
"Shishuo Xinxin Yu": There are several hundred hu of stored wine in the kitchen.
6. 宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈·活板》:木格贮之。
Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bitan": Store it in a wooden frame.
7. 清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》:备贮弹药。
Qing Dynasty, Liang Qichao's "Biography of Tan Sitong": Prepare to store ammunition.
8. 清·龚自珍《病梅馆记》:馆以贮之。
Qing Dynasty, Gong Zizhen's "Record of the Sick Plum Pavilion": The pavilion is used to store it.
More examples:
- 以广贮江宁、 杭州、 苏州之病梅。
To broadly store sick plums from Jiangning, Hangzhou, and Suzhou.
- 贮廊(厅后的房屋);贮草过冬;贮木场
Storage corridor (room behind the hall); store hay for winter; lumber storage yard.