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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "载" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 载 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "载" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 载 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 载

Pinyin zài、 zǎi
10 strokes
year, to carry / to convey / to load / to hold / and / also / as well as / simultaneously
载 zǎi 1. Year; age: 千~难逢 (a thousand years are hard to encounter); 三年两~ (three years and two ages). 2. Record; publish; depict: 记~ (to record); 连~ (to serialize); 转~ (to transfer a record). 载 zǎi 名 1. Year (used in the Tang and Yu dynasties for names of years) ([En.] age). 引: 《尔雅·释天》: 夏曰岁, 商曰祀, 周曰年, 唐虞曰载。 引: 《书·尧典》: 朕在位七十载。 引: 《史记·文帝本纪》: 汉兴,至孝文四十有余载。 例: 又如:载祀(年). 动 1. Record; write something in a specific book with a formal tone ([En.] record; put down in writing). 引: 《左传·昭公十五年》: 夫有勋而不废,有绩而载。 引: 萧统《文选序》: 推而广之,不可胜载矣。 例: 又如: 登载 (to print news/articles in newspapers), 刊载 (to publish in newspapers/magazines), 记载 (to write down), 附载 (to attach records), 转载 (to reprint articles published in other newspapers), 连载 (to be serialized), 载列 (to record). 2. Depict ([En.] describe). 引: 《鶡冠子》: 成功遂事,莫知其状,图弗能载,名弗能举。 3. See also zài. 载 zài 动 1. To load or carry using transport vehicles ([En.] ride). 引: 《说文》: 载,乘也。 引: 《易·暌》: 载鬼一车。 引: 《诗·小雅·縣蛮》: 命彼后车,谓之载之。 引: 《史记》: 陆行载车,水行载舟。 引: 《乐府诗集·陌上桑》: 宁可共载不。 例: 又如: 搭载 (to take on board), 载舟 (to ride a boat), 载车 (to ride a car). 2. Carry; hold; be loaded with ([En.] carry; hold; be loaded with). 引: 《易·大有》: 大车以载,有攸往,无咎。 引: 《资治通鉴》: 多载资粮。 引: 载燥荻枯柴。 引: 《战国策·齐策四》: 载卷契而行。 例: 又如: 载客 (to carry passengers), 载货 (to carry goods), 过载 (to overload), 装载 (to load), 载送 (to transport). 3. Bear; sustain ([En.] bear). 引: 《荀子》: 水则载舟,水则覆舟。 例: 又如: 载地 (to bear the earth); 载福 (to bear blessings); 载舟覆舟 (to serve as a metaphor for the people's sentiments). 4. Undertake; bear ([En.] be charged with). 引: 《韩非子》: 故不乘天地之资而载一人之身。 例: 又如: 载负 (to bear). 5. Implement ([En.] put in force). 引: 《管子·形势》: 虎豹得幽而威可载也。 6. Set out ([En.] set out). 引: 《诗·大雅》: 清酒既载,骍牡既备,以享以祀,以介景福。 例: 又如: 载牲 (to set out sacrificial animals). 7. Be in a certain condition ([En.] be in a certain condition). 引: 汉·董仲舒《举贤良对策三》: 身宠而载高位,家温而食厚禄。 8. Offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors ([En.] offer sacrifices). 引: 《穆天子传》: 癸卯,大哭殇祀而载。 例: 又如: 载璧 (jewel used for sacrifices); 载社 (to worship at temples). 9. Begin ([En.] begin). 引: 《诗·豳风》: 春日载阳。 引: 晋·陶潜《停云》: 东园之树,枝条载荣。 10. Decorate ([En.] decorate). 引: 《淮南子》: 载以银锡。 11. Prefix; affixed before verbs ([En.] affixed before verbs). 引: 晋·陶渊明《归去来兮辞》: 载欣载奔。 例: 又如: 载歌载舞 (to sing and dance). 12. Be full of ([En.] be full of). 引: 《诗·大雅·生民》: 厥声载路。 引: 《明史》: 号泣载道。 例: 又如: 载路 (full of roads); 载途 (full roads); 载地 (filled with earth); 载欢 (filled with joy). 载 zài 名 1. Car, ship, etc. ([En.] car, ship, etc.). 引: 《书·益稷》: 予乘四载,随山刊木。 2. The items carried ([En.] loads). 引: 《书·盘庚》: 若乘舟,汝弗济,臭厥载。 例: 又如: 重载 (heavy load); 装载 (loading). 3. Affair; cause; undertaking ([En.] affair; cause; undertaking). 引: 《书·舜典》: 有能奋庸,熙帝之载。 4. Again; as well as ([En.] as well as). 引: 曾巩《寄欧阳舍人书》: 巩顿首载拜。 例: 又如: 载拜 (to bow again). 载 zài 量 1. The capacity carried by one vehicle is called one载 ([En.] one load). 引: 《穆天子传》: 稽麦百载,天子使祭父受之。 2. A measurement unit for certain ethnic minorities: forty taels equal one载 ([En.] forty taels is one load). 引: 明·朱孟震《西南夷风土记》: 度用手,量用箩,以四十两为一载。论两不论斤。 3. See also zǎi.
xiè zài
to disembark / to off-load cargo / to uninstall (software)
kān zǎi
to publish
yuàn shēng zài dào
lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around / discontent is openly voiced
chéng zài
to bear the weight / to sustain
guà zài
dā zài
to transport (people, a payload etc)
mǎn zài
full to capacity / fully loaded
hán xī zài
Han Xizai
qiān qiū wàn zài
yùn zài huǒ jiàn
carrier rocket
jiàn zài
zài hè
load / lading (weight)
hè zǎi
zài yù
come with the honor a person has won / be highly acclaimed / win great honor
jì zǎi
to write down / to record / written account
xià zǎi
to download / also pr. [xia4 zai4]
zài zhòng
load / carrying capacity
zài tǐ
carrier (chemistry) / vector (epidemiology) / vehicle or medium
yùn zài
to carry / to convey / delivery / supply
zǎi rù
to load into / to record / to write into / to enter (data) / to go into (the records) / to go down (in history)
jī zài
piggyback / skyborne / onboard / pickaback
zài rén
(of spaceships etc) manned / also pr. [zai3 ren2]
zhuāng zài
to load / to stow
zhuǎn zǎi
to forward (a shipment) / to reprint sth published elsewhere / Taiwan pr. [zhuan3 zai4]
zài yǒu
be loaded with
chē zài
fù zài
qiān zǎi nán féng
extremely rare (idiom) / once in a blue moon
zài bó chuán
lighter aboard ship (LASH) / barge carrier
Input Method for 载
Pinyin zai4
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters