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誉 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 誉

誉 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 誉

誉 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 誉

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 誉

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "誉" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 誉 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "誉" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 誉 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 誉

13 strokes
誉 yù 1. 名声。 Fame; reputation. 2. 称扬,赞美。 Eulogize; praise. 3. 古同“豫”,欢乐。 (In ancient usage) same as “豫” (yù), happiness. 名声:荣誉。名声。信誉。沽名钓誉。 Fame: honor; well-known; credibility; seeking fame dishonestly. 称扬,赞美:毁誉。交口称誉。 Eulogize, praise: slander and praise; unanimously praise. 古同“豫”,欢乐。 (Ancient usage) same as “豫” (yù), happiness. 【本义】: 称赞,赞美 [Original meaning]: to praise; to applaud. 【造字法】: 形声。从言,舆 (yù)声。 [Character formation]: phonetic-ideographic; composed of “speech” and “sound”. 1. 同本义 ([En.] eulogize; praise) Same as the original meaning. 2. 通“举” jǔ。推荐 ([En.] recommend) Same as “举” (jǔ), to recommend. 【引】 1. 《说文》:誉,偁也。 "Shuō Wén": Yù means praise. 2. 《墨子经》:誉名美也。 "Mozi": Praise refers to a beautiful name. 3. 《周书·谥法》:状古述今曰誉。 "Zhou Shu": Describing the past and present refers to praise. 4. 《礼记·表记》:君子不以口誉人。 "Liji": A gentleman does not use his mouth to praise others. 5. 唐· 柳宗元《柳河东集》:佞誉诬谀。 Tang, Liu Zongyuan's "Liuhandongji": Flattery and deceit. 6. 唐· 韩愈《朱文公校昌黎先生集》:誉之则以为忧。 Tang, Han Yu's "Zhu Wengong's Commentary on Mr. Changli": To praise is to cause worry. 【例】 又如:誉人(称赞人);誉谀(歌颂阿谀);誉叹(赞叹) For example: to praise someone; to eulogize flattery; to exclaim in admiration. 1. 通“举” jǔ。推荐 ([En.] recommend) Same as “举” (jǔ), to recommend. 【引】 1. 《汉书·贾捐之传》:更相荐誉。 "Han Shu": They mutually praise each other. 2. 《汉书·匡衡传》:而列士不誉。 "Han Shu": Yet the scholars do not praise. 3. 《后汉书·宦者传论》:先时荐誉。 "Hou Han Shu": Previously recommended praise. 【名】 荣誉,美名 ([En.] fame; reputation) Honor; good reputation. 【引】 1. 《诗·周颂·振鹭》:以永终誉。 "Shijing": To have eternal fame. 2. 《礼记·射义》:则燕则誉。 注:“言国安则有名誉。” "Liji": If there is peace, there will be fame. Note: "When the country is at peace, there is reputation." 3. 《韩非子》:誉辅其赏,毁随其罚。 "Han Feizi": Praise assists rewards, slander follows punishment. 【例】 又如:誉望(名望) For example: reputation. 1. 通“与” yǔ。同类 ([En.] kind) Same as “与” (yǔ), kind. 【引】 1. 《管子·明法》:交众誉多。 "Guanzi": Many people praise each other. 2. 《荀子·议兵》:莫不亲誉。 "Xunzi": None does not appreciate praise. 3. 《荀子·臣道》:推类接誉。 "Xunzi": To promote similar kinds, thus connecting praise.
gū míng diào yù
to angle for fame (idiom) / to fish for compliments
xiǎng yù
to be renowned
xiǎng yǒu shèng yù
enjoy great popularity / enioy a high reputation / win a high admiration
měi yù
fame / good reputation / famous for sth
róng yù gǎn
sense of honor
róng yù jiǎng
honorable mention / honorary award
yù wèi
praised as
shēng yù
reputation / fame
míng yù
fame / reputation / honor / honorary / emeritus (of retired professor)
xìn yù
prestige / distinction / reputation / trust
yǐn yù
enjoy popularity / have good reputation
zàn yù
to praise / recognition
chēng yù
to acclaim / to sing the praises of
shèng yù
flourishing reputation
měi yù dù
zài yù
come with the honor a person has won / be highly acclaimed / win great honor
huǐ yù
praise or blame / praise or condemnation
chí yù
míng yù quán
right reputation
róng yù shì
Hall of Fame
shēng yù què qǐ
winheighten / gain] one's reputation rapidly / become famous overnight