Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "秋", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "秋", and master the standard way of writing the character "秋".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 秋
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "秋" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 一年的第三季。
[En.] The third season of the year.
2. 庄稼成熟的时期。
[En.] The period when crops mature.
3. 指一年。
[En.] Refers to a year.
4. 指某个时期(多指不好的)。
[En.] Refers to a certain period of time (often implying something unfavorable).
5. 一种运动和游戏用具称“秋千”。
[En.] A type of sporting and gaming equipment called "swing."
6. 姓。
[En.] A surname.
1. 悲愁。
[En.] Sad.
2. 奔腾的样子。
[En.] Galloping.
3. 喻容颜衰老。
[En.] Referring to aging appearance.
4. 在五行中属金,方位属西方,在乐为商,在色为白。
[En.] In the Five Elements, belongs to metal and corresponds to the western direction; in music, it is "shang" and in color, it is white.
5. 古以五色、五行配四时,秋为金,其色白,故指白色。
[En.] In ancient times, with the five colors and five elements matching the four seasons, autumn corresponds to metal and its color is white, hence it refers to white.
6. 秋主肃杀,古因称与律令刑狱有关之事为秋。
[En.] Autumn is associated with harshness; in ancient times, matters related to laws and punishments were referred to as autumn.