Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "障", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "障", and master the standard way of writing the character "障".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 障
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "障" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
障 [zhàng]
1. 阻隔,遮挡。
- Block, separate, cut off.
2. 中国秦、汉两代边塞上作防御用的城堡。
- A border town built for defense during the Qin and Han dynasties.
3. 用作遮蔽、防卫的东西。
- An object used for covering or defense.
4. 古同“ 幛 ”,画轴。
- An ancient term similar to "幛," referring to a painted scroll.
5. 阻隔,遮挡:~蔽。~翳。~碍。故~。~眼法。一叶~目,不见泰山。
- Separation, blocking: cover; eclipse; hinder; thus block; obstruct vision. "A leaf blocks the eye, and one cannot see Mount Tai."
6. 阻挡;拒绝。
- Obstruct; stop; block; resist; refuse.
7. 遮挡;遮蔽。
- Cover; shade.
8. 佛教用语。烦恼。
- Buddhist terminology. Vexation.
9. 古时边塞上险要处用以防捍寇盗而另筑的小城。
- A small city built in strategic locations on the border for defense against bandits.
10. 遮蔽物。
- A barrier; shelter.
11. 步障,布帷或屏风。
- A screen, often made of fabric or panels.
12. 幛子,整幅绸布,上面题有文字或画有图画。
- A large, oblong sheet of silk with writings or paintings on it.