Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "鼻", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "鼻", and master the standard way of writing the character "鼻".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 鼻
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "鼻" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
鼻 [bí]
【本义】: 鼻子
1. 嗅觉器官,亦是呼吸器官之一。
(En: The organ of smell and one of the organs of respiration.)
2. 创始;开端。
(En: Origin; beginning.)
1. 《说文》:鼻,引气自畀也。
(En: "Shuowen": Nose, the air is brought from oneself.)
2. 《老子》:天食人以五气从鼻入,地食人以五味从口入。
(En: "Laozi": Heaven nourishes man with the five airs entering through the nose, earth nourishes man with the five flavors entering through the mouth.)
3. 《白虎通》:鼻出入气高而有窍,又,鼻者,肺之使。
(En: "Baihu Tong": The nose has high air passages and openings, and it is the servant of the lungs.)
4. 《易·噬》:肤灭鼻。 虞注:“艮为鼻。”
(En: "Yijing": The flesh extinguishes the nose. Yu's note: "Gen represents the nose.")
5. 《荀子·荣辱》:鼻辨芬芳腥臊。
(En: "Xunzi": The nose distinguishes between fragrance, fishy, and foul smells.)
2. 初始,发端。
(En: Origin; beginning.)
(En: "Dialect Thirteen": Nose means beginning. The initial form of animals is called nose; in Liangyi, it is called the beginning, or referred to as the ancestor.)
(En: "Han Shu, Yang Xiong Zhuan": There is a beautiful woman from the Zhou family, perhaps regarded as the ancestor in Fen's corner.)