Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "篼", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "篼", and master the standard way of writing the character "篼".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 篼
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "篼" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
篼 [dōu]
1. 〔~子〕走山路坐的竹轿,一般用竹椅捆在两根竹竿上做成。
(Bamboo chair carried on mountain paths, typically made by binding a bamboo seat to two bamboo poles.)
2. 盛东西用的竹器,亦有用藤或柳条做成的。
(Bamboo container used for holding items, which can also be made of rattan or willow branches.)
3. 饲马器 ([En.] feeding trough)
(Equipment for feeding horses.)
4. 盛东西的竹器,也有用藤或柳条做成的 ([En.] wares made of bamboo, rattan, etc.)
(Items made for holding things, which can be crafted from bamboo, rattan, or other materials.)
5. 竹制的小轿。多用于行山路,通称篼子 ([En.] bamboo's mountain-chair)
(A small bamboo sedan chair, mainly used on mountain paths, commonly referred to as "dōu zi.")
- 背篼 (Bamboo backpack)
- 篼笼 (Bamboo cage)
1. 《说文》:篼,食马器也。
(From "Shuowen": Dōu, the feeding tool for horses.)
1. 竹制的简单小轿
(A simple bamboo sedan chair.)