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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "嫁", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "嫁", and master the standard way of writing the character "嫁".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "嫁" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
嫁 [jià]
1. 女子结婚: A girl gets married.
例: 出嫁 (to get married), 嫁娶 (to marry), 再嫁 (to remarry), 嫁妆 (dowry).
2. 〔嫁接〕把不同品种的两种植物接在一起,让它变种,达到提早结果、增加抗性、提高品种质量等目的: To graft two different varieties of plants together, allowing them to hybridize for the purposes of early yield, increased resistance, and improved quality.
3. 把祸害、怨恨推到别人身上: To shift harm or resentment onto others.
例: 嫌怨 (to hold resentment), 嫁祸于人 (to blame others for one’s misfortunes), 嫁非 (to shift blame).
1. 《说文》: 嫁,女适人也: Grafting, a woman marrying.
2. 《易·序卦》: 归妹。虞注: "嫁,归也": Returning to marriage.
3. 《仪礼·丧服》: 子嫁反。虞注: "凡女行于大夫以上曰嫁,行于士庶曰适人": A girl marrying the nobility.
4. 《诗·大雅·大明》: 自彼殷商,来嫁于周: From the Yin and Shang, came to marry Zhou.
5. 《史记·滑稽列传》: 共粉饰之,如嫁女床席: To beautify the event, like preparing for a bridal bed.
又如: 嫁杏 (figurative of marriage date); 嫁子 (a married daughter; twin daughters); 嫁娶 (to marry a bride and take a wife); 嫁殇 (a young man dies before nineteen, the woman who marries him posthumously).
2. 往,赴: Go.
例: 嫁怨 (to transfer resentment to others), 嫁祸 (to transfer disasters to others), 嫁罪 (to shift responsibility), 嫁名 (to use someone’s name falsely), 嫁非 (to shift blame).
3. 卖; 售: To sell.
例: 《战国策·西周策》: 以嫁之齐也: To trade the goods.
《韩非子·六反》: 天饥岁荒,嫁妻卖子者,必是家也: In times of famine, those who sell wives and children are surely desperate.
4. 嫁接: Bud (grafting).
例: 嫁李; 嫁杏 (grafting plum, grafting apricot).
A girl of age should be married. / A girl should get married on coming of age. / A girl should get married upon reaching womanhood. / Grown-up daughters have to marry.