恬 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 恬
Stroke Order Diagrams for 恬
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 恬
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "恬" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "恬" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 恬
quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful
恬 [tián]
1. Quiet, calm, serene.
- 安静,安然,坦然:~静。~适。~然。~谧。~淡(淡泊名利,清静无为)。
- Quiet, tranquil, peaceful: ~ calm. ~ comfortable. ~ tranquil. ~ serene. ~ effortless (indifferent to fame and profit, being inactive and peaceful).
2. The original meaning: quiet.
- 【本义】:安静
- Original definition: quiet.
3. Ease and comfort.
- 安逸,舒适 ([En.] ease and comfortable).
4. Examples:
- 恬卧 (to rest comfortably, referring to tranquility and inactivity).
- 恬愉 (comfortably happy).
- 恬泰 (ease and comfort).
- 恬逸 (leisurely).
- 恬熙 (pleasantly comfortable).
- 恬适 (comfortable).
- 恬乐 (joyfully comfortable).
- 恬嬉 (leisurely amusement).
- 恬娱 (self-entertaining in comfort).
- 恬寂 (referring to peace without action).
5. Also means "sweet."
- 通“甜” ([En.] sweet).
- 如:恬言柔舌 (sweet talk); 恬美 (delicious); 恬脆 (sweet and crisp); 恬酒 (sweet wine).
6. Adverb: calm.
- 泰然 ([En.] calm).
7. Indifferent to fame or gain.
- 淡泊 ([En.] indifferent to fame or gain).
8. Examples:
- 恬退 (to retreat peacefully).
- 恬不知怪 (to be unperturbed and unconcerned).
- 恬不知羞,恬不知愧 (to be unashamed and unconcerned).
- 恬而 (to be serene).
- 恬淡无为 (to have a peaceful and self-sufficient mind without pursuit).
- 恬裕 (to be self-sufficient and indifferent).
9. Additional references:
- 《说文系传》:恬,安也。
- 《广雅》:恬,静也。
- 曹丕《与吴质书》:恬淡寡欲。
- 唐·白居易《琵琶行(并序)》:恬然自安。
10. Examples of usage:
- 恬波 (the water surface calm with no waves, metaphorically representing peace).
- 恬和 (calm and mild).
- 恬忽 (inner calmness undisturbed by external affairs).
- 恬夷 (calm and peaceful).
- 恬安 (quiet and comfortable).
- 恬澜 (smooth and calm waters).
quiet and contented / indifferent to fame or gain
Qin general Meng Tian (-210 BC), involved in 215 BC in fighting the Northern Xiongnu 匈奴 and building the great wall
to have no sense of shame