Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "眯", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "眯", and master the standard way of writing the character "眯".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 眯
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "眯" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
眯 (mī)
1. 眼皮微微合拢。
(Narrow one's eyes: e.g., smile with narrowed eyes; a state where both eyes are slightly closed together; eyelids partially closed but not completely.)
2. 小睡。
(Take a short nap: especially napping during the day.)
3. 尘土入眼,不能睁开看东西。
(Dust enters the eyes, unable to open them to see: e.g., sand has caused my eyes to narrow.)
眯 (mí)
1. 通“迷”。迷乱。
(Homophone “迷”. Bewilder, confuse.)
眯 (mǐ)
1. 本义: 灰沙等物入眼。
(Original meaning: things like ash and sand entering the eyes.)
2. 造字法: 形声。从目,米声。
(Character construction: phono-semantic compound. From “目” (eye), and the sound “米”.)
1. 《说文》: 眯,草入目中也。
(From “Shuōwén”: “眯” means grass entering the eyes.)
2. 《庄子·天运》: 夫播糠眯目,则天地四方易位矣。
(From “Zhuangzi”: If you scatter husks and narrow your eyes, then the universe will reverse.)
3. 《淮南子·缪称》: 故若眯而抚,若跌而据。注:“眯,芥入目也。”
(From “Huáinánzǐ”: Thus, if you narrow your eyes and caress, as if falling yet holding firm. Note: "眯" means mustard entering the eyes.)
4. 《淮南子·说林》: 蒙尘而眯。
(From “Huáinánzǐ”: Covered in dust and narrowed eyes.)
如:砂子眯眼了;眯膜 (目不明)。
(For example: sand has narrowed my eyes; "眯膜" (unable to see clearly).)