Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "直", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "直", and master the standard way of writing the character "直".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 直
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "直" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
直 [zhí]
1. 不弯曲
2. 把弯曲的伸开
(To straighten something that is bent)
3. 公正合理
(Honest; fair; impartial)
4. 爽快,坦率
(Frank; straightforward)
5. 一个劲儿地,连续不断
(Continuously; non-stop)
6. 竖,与“横”相对
(Vertical; as opposed to horizontal)
7. 汉字笔形之一,自上至下
(One of the strokes in Chinese characters, from top to bottom)
8. 姓
(A surname)
直 [zhí]
1. 径直,一直
(Directly; in a straight line)
2. 故意
3. 竟然
4. 只;仅仅
(Only; merely)
5. 简直
(Absolutely; literally)
6. 通“特”。单单,单独
(Used interchangeably with "te", meaning alone or solely)
直 [zhí]
1. 伸直;挺直
(To straighten up; to stand up straight)
2. 伸雪 ([En.] redress (an injustice))
3. 面对着,当
(To confront; face)
4. 遇,碰上
(To meet; to bump into)
5. 当值,轮值,轮班
(To take turns; to be on duty)
6. 担任
(To undertake; to assume office)
7. 价值相当于
(To be worth)
直 [zhí]
1. 价值;代价
(Value; worth)
2. 工钱
(Pay; salary)
3. 即使
(Even; even if)
直 [zhí]
(As; at that time)
直 [zhí]
1. 不弯曲,与“枉”、“曲”相对
(Unbending; opposite of "bent")
1. 《说文》:直,正见也。
("Shuowen": Straight, is a correct view.)
2. 《荀子·劝学》:木直中绳,輮以为轮,其曲中规。
(From “Xunzi”: When wood is straight and marked by a string, it can be made into a wheel, using its curves to define the hem.)
3. 《左传·襄公七年》:正直为正,正曲为直。
(From “Zuo Zhuan”: What is upright is correct; bending is not.)
4. 《书》:木曰曲直。
(From “Book”: Wood is referred to as crooked or straight.)
5. 《易·说卦》:巽为绳直。
(From "I Ching": "Xun" represents a straight string.)
6. 《礼记·月令》:先定准直。
(From "The Book of Rites": First, determine straightness.)
7. 吴均《与朱元思书》:争高直指。
(Wu Jun in his letter to Zhu Yuansi: Contesting to point straightly up.)
8. 宋· 周敦颐《爱莲说》:中通外直。
(Song - Zhou Dunyi: The lotus is straight within and without.)
9. 清· 龚自珍《病梅馆记》:梅以曲为美,直则无姿。
(Qing - Gong Zizhen: The beauty of the plum is in its curves; straightness lacks grace.)
1. 又如: 直线;直路;笔直
(For example: Straight line; straight road; straightness in writing.)
2. 直凳;直缪;直落直挺
(A straight chair; direct misunderstandings; straight ascent.)
3. 直道;直言正色
(A straight road; straightforward speech; serious demeanor.)
4. 直言;直质
(Straight talk; simple quality.)
5. 直心眼
(An upright person; a straightforward heart.)
municipality, namely: Beijing 北京, Tianjin 天津, Shanghai 上海 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆, the first level administrative subdivision / province level city / also called directly governed city