Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "逻", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "逻", and master the standard way of writing the character "逻".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 逻
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "逻" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
逻 (luó)
1. 巡察 (Patrol)
- 巡~ (patrol)
- 逻吏 (patrol officer)
- 逻骑 (patrolling cavalry)
- 逻卒 (patrolling soldier)
2. 遮拦 (Block)
- “蛛蝥结网,工遮~” (The spider and the wasp weave nets, blocking...)
3. 用同“捋” (To stroke or rub)
- 逻袖 (to roll up one's sleeves)
邏 (luó)
Type: Verb
- 【本义】: 巡察,巡逻 (The original meaning: patrol, reconnaissance)
- 【造字法】: 形声。从辵( chuò),表示与行走有关,罗声 (Phonetic construction: consists of 辵 (walk), indicating something related to walking, combined with the phonetic element 罗.)
1. 同本义 (The same original meaning): [En.] patrol
- Example: 宋·文天祥《指南录后序》:逻者数十骑 (In the Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang wrote in the "Preface to the Guide": dozens of riders on patrol)
- Other examples: 逻伺 (patrol and scout), 逻弋 (patrol), 逻守 (patrol guard), 逻役 (patrol duty), 逻捕 (patrol and capture)
2. 遮拦 (To block)
- Example: 黄庭坚《演雅》:蛛蝥结网工遮逻 (Huang Tingjian wrote in "Yanya": The spider and wasp weave nets that block...)
- Other examples: 逻打 (to intercept and beat), 逻送 (to capture and detain), 逻惹 (to provoke), 逻楂儿 (to find faults)
3. 用同“捋” (To stroke or rub)
- Example: 《西游记》:又只见那洞外跳出几个小妖,在外边吆吆喝喝,伸拳逻袖 (In "Journey to the West": Suddenly several little demons jumped out, shouting outside, rolling up their sleeves...)
- Other example: 逻袖 (to roll up one's sleeves)
邏 (luó)
Type: Noun
- 逻卒;巡行兵 (Patrol troop; [En]: patrol)
- Examples: 逻兵 (patrolling soldier), 逻骑 (patrolling cavalry)