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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "霞", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "霞", and master the standard way of writing the character "霞".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "霞" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
霞 [xiá]
1. 日出或日落时天空云层因受日光斜射而呈现的光彩。
- The colors in the sky produced by clouds when the sun rises or sets, affected by sunlight at an angle.
- 例: 朝霞 (morning glow), 晚霞 (evening glow), 彩霞 (colorful glow), 云霞 (clouds and glow), 霞帔 (a type of important Taoist garment similar to a shawl), 霞光 (glow of the clouds).
1. 《说文新附》:霞,赤云气也。
2. 王勃《滕王阁序》:落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。
3. 唐· 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》:云霞明灭。
4. 失向来之烟霞。
5. 清· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》:云霞掩映。
又如: 霞举飞升 (In Taoism, refers to a practitioner achieving ascension with the support of clouds and haze; also means riding clouds), 云霞 (cloud), 霞彩 (the colorful light of the clouds).
1. 指像霞一样美丽的光彩。
- Referring to a beautiful radiance similar to that of clouds at sunrise or sunset.
- (En: color; lustre; radiance)
- 引: 南朝宋· 鲍照《登庐山望石门》:瑶波逐穴开,霞石触峰起。
- 例: 霞石 (red-colored rock), 霞帔 (a type of important Taoist garment, similar to a shawl rich in celebration color).
2. 通“遐”。遥远。
- Synonymous with "far" or "remote".
- (En: faraway; remote)
- 引: 《楚辞·屈原·远游》:载营魄而登霞兮,掩浮云而上征。
- 南朝梁· 何逊《哭吴兴柳恽》:霞区两借寇,贪泉一举巵。
- 例: 霞志 (high and far-reaching aspirations), 霞区 (remote areas).