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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "恋", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "恋", and master the standard way of writing the character "恋".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 恋
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "恋" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 想念不忘,不忍舍弃,不想分开。
[En.] To miss and cannot forget; to be reluctant to part; to not want to separate.
2. 恋爱。
[En.] Romance; love.
3. 姓。
[En.] A surname.
1. 想念不忘,不忍舍弃,不想分开:留~。眷~。~~不舍。
[En.] To miss and cannot forget; to be reluctant to part; to not want to separate: to linger; to be affectionate; to be unwilling to part.
2. 恋爱:初~。失~。婚~。~人。
[En.] Romance: first love; lost love; married love; beloved.
3. 姓。
[En.] A surname.
恋 (liàn)
【本义】: 留恋,依依不舍。
[En.] Original meaning: to be attached and reluctant to part.
【造字法】: 形声。
[En.] Character formation: phono-semantic.
1. 同本义 ([En.] feel attached to; be reluctant to part)
2. 思念,怀念 ([En.] miss sb.)
1. 《说文》:孌,慕也。字亦作戀。
[En.] "Shuo Wen": "Luan" means to admire. The character is also written as "Lian."
2. 《易·小畜·子夏传》:有孚恋如思也。
[En.] "Yi": Having faith is like missing (someone).
3. 晋·陶潜《归田园居五首》:羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。
[En.] Jin Dynasty: Tao Qian's "Returning to the Countryside": A tethered bird longs for its old forest; a pool fish thinks of its old abyss.
[En.] For example: to be very attached; to have deep affection; to be reluctant to leave; to be attached to one's homeland; to be reluctant to leave one's master.
2. 思念,怀念 ([En.] miss sb.)
1. 征夫怀远路,游子恋故乡。——汉·苏武《诗》之四
[En.] "The traveler longs for the distant road; the wanderer misses home." - Han - Su Wu's "Poem."
[En.] For example: to remember kindness; to miss old friends.
恋 (liàn)
男女相爱 (【英】:love)。
[En.] A noun: love between men and women.
[En.] For example: love poems (poems expressing love); love songs.