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迷 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 迷

迷 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 迷

迷 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 迷

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 迷

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "迷" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 迷 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "迷" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 迷 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 迷

9 strokes
bewilder / crazy about / fan / enthusiast / lost / confused
迷 [mí] 1. 分辨不清,失去了辨别、判断的能力。 [En.] To be unable to distinguish or to lose the ability to judge and discern. 2. 醉心于某种事物,发生特殊的爱好。 [En.] To be infatuated with something, developing a particular passion or hobby. 3. 沉醉于某种事物的人。 [En.] A person who is enraptured or enchanted by something. 4. 使人陶醉。 [En.] To make someone fascinated or intoxicated. --- 迷 [mí] (verb) 本义: 迷路; 分辨不清 [En.] Original meaning: To be lost; to be confused. 造字法: 形声。从辵( chuò),米声。 [En.] Phonetic and semantic formation: Derived from '辵' (chuò) and the phonetic '米'. 1. 同本义 ([En.] be lost; be confused) 引: 1. 《说文》:迷,惑也。 [En.] "Lost" means confusion. 2. 《书·舜典》:烈风雷雨弗迷。 [En.] "Strong winds and storms do not confuse." 3. 《韩非子·解老》:凡夫失其所欲之路,而妄行之,则为迷。 [En.] "Common people lose their desired path and act recklessly, thus becoming lost." 4. 《离骚》:及行迷之未远。 [En.] "When traveling, one does not stray far away." 5. 《楚辞·惜诵》:迷不知宠之门。 [En.] "Lost and unaware of the entrance to affection." 6. 《聊斋志异·促织》:迷其所在。 [En.] "Lost in its whereabouts." 7. 《楚辞·九章·涉江》:入溆浦余儃佪兮,迷不知吾所如。 [En.] "Entering the quiet pools, I am lost and know not where I go." 8. 杜牧《阿房宫赋》:高低冥迷,不知西东。 [En.] "In the heights and depths, I am lost and do not know east from west." 9. 晋· 陶渊明《桃花源记》:遂迷,不复得路。 [En.] "Thus lost, I can no longer find the way back." 10. 唐· 韩愈《朱文公校昌黎先生集》:其若迷。 [En.] "As if lost." 11. 无迷其途。 [En.] "No confusion in the path." 12. 清· 姚鼐《登泰山记》:道中迷雾。 [En.] "Misty road along the way." 例: 又如: 迷离徜彷(模糊不明); 迷罔; 迷岸(佛家语。指迷惑而不悟的生死流转世界) [En.] For example: hazy wandering (ambiguous); perplexed; enchanted by the shore (Buddhist term referring to the world of life and death where one is perplexed and does not awaken). --- 2. 迷惑,使…辨不清 ([En.] delude; confuse) 引: 1. 唐· 白居易《钱塘湖春行》:乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。 [En.] "The riot of flowers begins to confuse the eyes, only shallow grass can cover the horse's hooves." 例: 又如: 迷魂(迷惑人的事理,使人身不由己); 迷网(指迷惑人的事物像网罗一样,使人陷落而无以自拔); 迷夺时明(迷惑、剥夺当今明哲之士的舆论); 迷眩缠陷(以声色迷惑,为罗网陷阱); 迷途 [En.] For example: soul-ensnaring (the matters of confusion, making one unable to control oneself); deceptive net (things that confuse like a web, ensnaring one making escape impossible); confusing and depriving today's wise of their opinions; dazzling entrapment (to confuse with sound and color, being like a web trap); lost path. --- 3. 迷恋 ([En.] be addicted to; be infatuated with) 引: 1. 唐· 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》:迷花倚石忽已暝(迷恋着花,依倚着石,不觉天色已经晚了。暝,天黑、夜晚)。 [En.] "Enamored of flowers, leaning against the stones, unaware it has turned dark." --- 4. 昏迷 ([En.] fall into a stupor; be in a coma) 引: 1. 《列子·汤问》:扁鹊遂饮二人毒酒,迷死三日。 [En.] "Bian Que drank poison with two people, falling into a coma for three days." --- 迷 [mí] (noun) 狂热爱好者,通常是作为观众而非直接参加者 (【英】:fan; enthusiast)。如: 棒球迷; 芭蕾舞迷; 垒球迷; 惊险小说迷; 数学迷 [En.] An enthusiast or fanatic, typically as an audience member rather than a direct participant (English: fan; enthusiast). For example: baseball fan; ballet fan; softball fan; thriller novel fan; math enthusiast.
mí gōng
maze / labyrinth
mí wǎng
perplexed / at a loss
mí cǎi fú
camouflage clothing
mí liàn
to be infatuated with / to indulge in
zhí mí bù wù
to obstinately persist in going about things the wrong way (idiom)
mí huo
to puzzle / to confuse / to baffle
mí huò bù jiě
to feel puzzled
mí huò xìng
confusability / perplexity / puzzle
pū shuò mí lí
impossible to unravel / confusing
zhuō mí cáng
to play hide-and-seek
qī mí
pained and bewildered
hūn mí
to lose consciousness / to be in a coma / stupor / coma / stunned / disoriented
hūn mí bù xǐng
to remain unconscious
mí xìn
superstition / to have a superstitious belief (in sth)
zhǐ diǎn mí jīn
to show sb how to get to the right path
mí nǐ
mini (as in mini-skirt or Mini Cooper) (loanword)
mí nǐ qún
mí nǐ xíng
qiú mí
fan (ball sports) / CL:個|个[ge4]
chī mí
infatuated / obsessed
tán mí xīn qiào
blinded judgment / phlegm confusing heart / Phlegm blocks the heart.
mí mí dèng dèng
guǐ mí xīn qiào
to be obsessed / to be possessed
cái mí xīn qiào
mad about money (idiom)
mí mí hū hū
in a daze / bewildered
mí hu
muddle-headed / dazed / only half conscious
mí máng
vast and indistinct / perplexed / bewildered / at a loss
mí dié xiāng
rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
mí rén
fascinating / enchanting / charming / tempting
mí wù
dense fog / fig. completely misleading