Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "篡", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "篡", and master the standard way of writing the character "篡".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 篡
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "篡" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
篡 (cuàn)
1. 封建时代特指臣子夺取君位。
(Specifically refers to subjects usurping the throne in feudal times.)
2. 泛指夺取。
(Generally refers to seizure.)
3. 同本义 ([En.] usurp; seize)
(Same as the original meaning: to usurp or seize)
4. 特指臣子夺取君位 ([En.] usurp)
(Specifically refers to subjects usurping the throne.)
5. 以私意歪曲 ([En.] twist)
(To twist based on personal intent.)
1. 自关而西,秦晋之间,凡取物而逆谓之篡。——《方言》一
(To take any object in opposition, between Qin and Jin, is called "usurp." — from "Dialect")
2. 王安石《原过》:且如人有财,见篡于盗。
(For instance, if someone has wealth and becomes a victim of theft.) — Wang Anshi's "Original Errors"
3. 高启《书博鸡者事》:豪民子闻难,鸠宗族僮奴百许人,欲要篡以归。
(The rich man's son heard of difficulties, gathered over a hundred family slaves, intending to usurp them for return.) — Gao Qi's "The Story of Game Fowl"
又如: 篡逆 (usurpers using force to seize power); 篡取 (to usurp); 篡事 (the act of usurpation)
- 篡臣 (the minister who usurps power)
- 篡杀 (to kill the sovereign and usurp their position)
- 篡弑 (similar to 篡杀, to murder the ruler)
- 篡绝 (to usurp the throne and eliminate the heirs)
6. 以私意歪曲 ([En.] twist)
(To twist based on personal intent.)
如: 篡易
(For example: to distort or alter.)