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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "迄", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "迄", and master the standard way of writing the character "迄".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 迄
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "迄" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
迄 [qì]
1. 到,至:起~。~今。
To arrive, to reach: from beginning to end. Up to now.
2. 始终(用于“未”或“无”前):~未成功。~无音信。
From beginning to end (used before "not" or "none"): has not succeeded so far. Has had no news all along.
Derived usage:
1. 【引】《说文新附》:迄,至也。
Reference: "Shuowen Xinfu": 迄 means to reach.
2. 【引】《诗·大雅·生民》:以迄于今。
Reference: "Shijing Da Ya Sheng Min": it has reached up to now.
3. 【引】《国语·周语下》:迄于天下。
Reference: "Guoyu Zhou Yu Xia": stretches to all under heaven.
4. 【引】《楚辞·天问》:吴获迄古。
Reference: "Chuci Tian Wen": Wu has reached ancient times.
5. 【引】《汉书·艺文志》:声教迄于四海。
Reference: "Hanshu Yiwen Zhi": the teachings have reached the four seas.
6. 【引】《汉书·扬雄传》:降周迄孔。
Reference: "Hanshu Yang Xiong Zhuan": from the fall of Zhou to Confucius.
7. 【引】清·薛福成《观巴黎油画记》:夫普法之战,迄今虽为陈迹,而其事信而有征。
Reference: Xue Fucheng "Observations on Paris Oil Paintings": Though the Franco-Prussian War is a past event, its impact is still evident.
8. 【引】蔡元培《图画》:迄今盛行。
Reference: Cai Yuanpei "Pictures": it is still prevalent to this day.
9. 【引】(【英】:英] 赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》:自皇古迄今。
Reference: Huxley, translated by Yan Fu "Evolution and Ethics": from ancient times until now.
For instance: until (to, reach).
1. 竟,毕竟,终究 [so far; all along]
Ultimately, after all, in the end.
Derived usage:
1. 【引】《后汉书·孔融传》:迄无成功。
Reference: "Hou Hanshu Kong Rong Zhuan": has seen no success so far.
2. 【引】《聊斋志异·促织》:迄无济。
Reference: "Liaozhai Zhi Yi": has no remedy after all this time.
3. 迄未成功;迄无音信;迄功(犹竣工)
Has not succeeded so far; has had no news all along; (to be finished).