Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "隐", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "隐", and master the standard way of writing the character "隐".
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "隐" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "隐" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
yǐn、 yìn
secret / hidden / concealed
隐 yǐn
1. 藏匿,不显露
Hide, not expose.
2. 伤痛
3. 怜悯
隐 yǐn
1. 藏匿;隐蔽
Hide; screen; shield; cover.
例如: 藏匿 (hide), 隐居 (live in seclusion), 隐士 (hermit), 隐讳 (conceal).
2. 伤痛
Pain or distress.
例如: 隐恻 (feel pity for).
3. 怜悯
To feel compassion.
例如: 恻隐之心 (heart of compassion).
隐 yǐn (verb)
1. 藏匿;隐蔽
Hide; screen; shield; cover.
[En.] hide; screen; shield; cover.
引用: 《说文》:隐,蔽也。 (Hide, it also means to cover.)
2. 隐瞒
[En.] conceal.
引用: 《论语·子路》:父为子隐,子为父隐。 (A father hides for his son; a son hides for his father.)
3. 隐测,审度
[En.] conjecture.
引用: 《晋书·庾冰传》:又隐实户口,料出无名万余人 (Estimate the actual population, revealing tens of thousands without names.)
4. 怜悯
Pity to.
[En.] pity to.
引用: 《孟子·梁惠王上》:隐其无罪 (Pity for the innocent).
5. 隐逸不出
[En.] hermit.
引用: 《论语·微子》:隐者也。 (He is a recluse.)
6. 塞,堵塞
Block up; stop up.
[En.] block up; stop up.
引用: 《诗·小雅·鱼丽》:士不隐塞,庶人不数罟。 (Gentlemen do not block up, commoners do not cast nets.)
7. 隐没;熄灭
Vanish; go out; die out.
[En.] vanish; go out; die out.
引用: 《国语·齐语》:隐武事,行文道。 (Hidden military affairs involve written communication.)
隐 yǐn (adjective)
1. 精深;微妙
Profound; delicate; subtle.
[En.] profound; delicate; subtle.
2. 用同“稳”。安稳;稳定
Steady; sedate; stable.
[En.] steady; sedate; stable.
3. 威重的样子,深沉稳重
Concealing one's real feelings; steady.
[En.] concealing one's real feelings; steady.
4. 宏大
[En.] great.
5. 忧伤;疾苦
Distressed; sad; sufferings.
[En.] distressed; sad; sufferings.
6. 穷困
[En.] poor.
7. 幽静
[En.] quiet.
8. 殷盛
[En.] rich.
隐 yǐn (noun)
1. 矮墙
Low wall.
[En.] low wall.
2. 痛苦;疾苦
[En.] pain.
3. 隐居的人
[En.] recluse.
4. 隐语
Enigmatic language.
[En.] enigmatic language.
5. 隐衷,隐情
Feelings or troubles one wishes to keep to oneself; facts one wishes to hide.
[En.] feelings or troubles one wishes to keep to oneself; facts one wishes to hide.
6. 通“櫽”。櫽栝,矫正竹木弯曲的工具
Straightening machine.
[En.] straightening machine.
7. 姓
[En.] surname.
隐 yǐn (adverb)
Secretly; inwardly.
[En.] secretly; inwardly.
倚 yǐ
1. 倚,靠
Lean against; rely on.
[En.] lean against; rely on.
例如: 倚几而卧 (leaning on a table to sleep).
动词 凭据、倚靠
Verb: to lean against; to rely on.
漢.郑玄.注:「隐,据也。」 (After burying and sealing, the high can be leaned upon.)
to contain in a concealed form / to keep covered up / implicit
to conceal one's identity / living incognito
to conceal one's identity / living incognito
to bear patiently / to endure silently / to forbear
secret concern / private worry
intermittent / now you see it, now you don't
a danger concealed within sth / hidden damage / misfortune not visible from the surface
to cover up / to hide / to conceal
vague / ambiguous / veiled / obscure
veiled and roundabout expressions / devious and obscure / (write) in veiled terms / insidious and devious
to conceal / to hide (a taboo subject) / to cover up the truth
secrets / private business / privacy
vague / faint / indistinct
faintly discernible (idiom)
to conceal / to hide / covert / under cover
invisibility / concealment / crypticity / covertness / stealthiness
to hide / to conceal / to mask / to shelter / to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden) / to hide oneself / to lie low / to nestle / hidden / implicit / private / covert / recessed (lighting)
a secret / sth best not told to anyone / confidential information
to hold back from saying precisely what is on one's mind
to live in seclusion / reclusive / hermit / recluse
contact lens / CL:隻|只[zhi1],副[fu4]
to hide oneself / invisible (person or online status)