烛 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 烛
Stroke Order Diagrams for 烛
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 烛
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Information of 烛
燭 zhú
1. 用线绳或苇子做中心,周围包上蜡油,点着取亮的东西(古代亦称“火炬”):Candle; a torch made by binding wax around a wick or reed.
Examples: 蜡~ (wax candle), 花~ (flower candle), ~光 (candlelight), ~泪 (tearful candle), ~台 (candle holder), 风~残年 (the candle of a fading life).
2. 洞悉:Understand thoroughly.
Example: 洞~其奸 (to detect their treachery).
3. 灯泡瓦特数的俗称:Common term for the wattage of a light bulb.
Example: 十五~的灯泡 (a fifteen-watt light bulb).
古代照明用的火炬:The original meaning is a torch used for illumination in ancient times.
- 同本义 (En. torch)
- 引用:
1. 《说文》:烛,庭燎大烛也。
2. 《仪礼·燕礼》:执烛于西阶上。
3. 《周礼·司烜氏》:共坟烛庭燎。
4. 《礼记·曲礼》:独不见跋。
5. 火在地曰燎,执之曰烛。
6. 《韩非子·外储说左上》:举烛者,尚明也。
7. 《古诗十九首·生年不满百》:昼短苦夜长,何不秉烛游?
8. 陆游《雪夜感旧》:江月亭前桦烛香,龙门阁上驮声长。
如: 烛火 (torch), 烛炬 (fire torch or candle).
2. 蜡烛 (始于唐代): Candle (originated in the Tang dynasty).
- 引用:
1. 李白《同族弟金城尉叔卿烛照山水壁画歌》:高堂粉壁图蓬瀛,烛前一见沧洲清。
2. 李商隐《夜饮》:烛分歌扇泪,雨送酒船香。
3. 杜牧《初冬夜饮》:淮阳多病偶求欢,客袖侵霜与烛盘。
如: 烛信 (wick for candle), 烛奴 (candle holder shaped like a human), 烛心 (the core of the candle used for lighting).
3. 姓: A surname.
1. 照;照亮: Illuminate.
- 引用:
1. 《韩非子·内储说上》:夫日,兼烛天下。
2. 《儒林外史》:望见青枫城里火光烛天。
3. 《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》:名高天下而光烛邻国。
4. 清· 姚鼐《登泰山记》:明烛南天。
如: 烛银 (shiny silver), 烛天 (illuminate the sky), 烛明 (to light), 烛幽 (to illuminate darkness), 烛远 (to light up the distance), 烛临 (to shine down from above).
2. 洞察: Understand thoroughly.
- 引用:
1. 《韩非子·孤愤》:智术之士,必远见而明察,不明察,不能烛私。
如: 烛知 (to perceive clearly), 烛物 (to observe things thoroughly), 烛微 (to observe the minutiae), 烛察 (to investigate), 烛鉴 (to discern clearly).
candle / CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1]
candle light / candle-lit (vigil etc) / candela, unit of luminous intensity (cd)
candlestick / candle holder
red candle (used during birthdays and other celebrations)
bridal room and ornamented candles / wedding festivities (idiom)
fire and candles / household things that burn
variant of 炳燭|炳烛[bing3 zhu2]
fancy candles lit in the bridal chamber at wedding
one's late days / to have one foot in the grave
drop of melted wax that runs down the side of a candle