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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "酣" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
酣 [hān]
1. 酒喝得很畅快。
Drink to one’s heart’s content.
2. 尽量,痛快。
To one's fullest; merry and lively.
3. 浓,盛。
Flourishing; abundant.
4. 舒畅痛快。
Merry and lively.
5. 睡眠甜浓。
Soundly; deeply asleep.
6. 充足;饱满。
Satisfied; full.
1. 《说文》:酣,酒乐也。
"Shuowen": Hān means a joy of drinking wine.
2. 《广雅》:酣,乐也。
"Guangya": Hān means joyous.
3. 《汉书·高帝纪》:酒酣,上击筑自歌。
"Han Shu": When intoxicated, he struck the wooden drum and sang.
4. 《吕氏春秋·长攻》:代君至酒酣。
"Lüshi Chunqiu": At the time of drinking to the full, it was a festive occasion.
5. 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》:秦王饮酒酣。
"Shiji": The King of Qin drank wine heartily.
6. 《史记·魏公子列传》:酒酣,公子起,为寿侯生前。
"Shiji": When he was intoxicated, the young man rose to honor the late lord.
7. 宋· 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》:宴酣之乐。
"Ouyang Xiu": The joy of a banquet at the醉翁亭 (Drunken Old Man Pavilion).
1. 宋· 王安石《题西太一宫壁》:荷花落日红酣。
"Wang Anshi": Lotus flowers against the setting sun are a vibrant red.
1. 曹丕《善哉行》:酣饮不知醉。
"Cao Pi": Drinking deeply, one does not notice when one is drunk.
2. 《淮南子·览冥》:战酣日暮。
"Huainanzi": When battles are fierce into the twilight.