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藏 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 藏

藏 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 藏

藏 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 藏

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 藏

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "藏" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 藏 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "藏" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 藏 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 藏

Pinyin cáng、 zàng
17 strokes
to hide away / to conceal / to harbor / store / accumulate, storehouse / depository / Buddhist or Taoist scripture / Zang / Tibet
cáng wū nà gòu
to hide dirt, to conceal corruption (idiom); to shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing / aiding and abetting wicked deeds
mái cáng
to bury / to hide by burying / hidden
cáng nì
to cover up / to conceal / to go into hiding
Gān zī Zàng zú zì zhì zhōu
Garze or Kandze, Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: dkar mdzes bod rigs rang skyong khul), formerly in Kham province of Tibet, present Sichuan
pà lóng cáng bù
Pallong Zangbo
kù cáng
to store / to have sth in storage
niǎo jìn gōng cáng
lit. the birds are over, the bow is put away (idiom); fig. to get rid of sb once he has served his purpose
zhuō mí cáng
to play hide-and-seek
yǎn cáng
hidden / covered / concealed
shōu cáng
to hoard / to collect / collection / to bookmark (Internet)
àn cáng
to hide / to conceal
chǔ cáng liàng
chǔ cáng
to store / deposit / (oil, mineral etc) deposits
chǔ cáng shì
storeroom / CL:間|间[jian1]
zhēn cáng
collection / to collect (valuables)
kuàng cáng
mineral resources
jiào cáng
cellaring / depot
wō cáng
to harbor / to shelter
mián lǐ cáng zhēn
lit. a needle concealed in silk floss (idiom) / fig. ruthless character behind a gentle appearance / a wolf in sheep's clothing / an iron fist in a velvet glove
Ā bà Zàng zú Qiāng zú zì zhì zhōu
Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: rnga ba bod rigs cha'ng rigs rang skyong khul, formerly in Kham province of Tibet), northwest Sichuan, capital Barkam 馬爾康鎮|马尔康镇[Ma3 er3 kang1 zhen4]
Zàng líng
Tibetan antelope / Pantholops hodgsonii / chiru
Zàng líng yáng
Tibetan antelope or Chiru (Pantholops hodgsonii)
Sān zàng
Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645 / same as 玄奘
yùn cáng
to hold in store / to contain (untapped reserves etc)
西 Xī zàng
Tibet / Xizang or Tibetan autonomous region 西藏自治區|西藏自治区
yùn cáng liàng
reserves / amount still in store
zhù cáng
to store up / to hoard / deposits
yǐn cáng
to hide / to conceal / to mask / to shelter / to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden) / to hide oneself / to lie low / to nestle / hidden / implicit / private / covert / recessed (lighting)
Qīng Zàng gāo yuán
Qinghai-Tibetan plateau
西 Xī zàng Zì zhì qū
Tibetan autonomous region, Tibetan: Bod rang skyong ljongs, abbr. 藏[Zang4], capital Lhasa 拉薩|拉萨[La1 sa4]
Input Method for 藏
Pinyin cang2
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters