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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "惜", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "惜", and master the standard way of writing the character "惜".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "惜" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
惜 [xī]
1. Love, value; to hold dear.
Example: 爱惜 (to cherish);重惜 (to treasure)
2. Reluctance; to be unwilling to part with.
Example: 吝惜 (to be stingy);惜别 (reluctant to part)
3. To feel regret or sorrow; to mourn.
Example: 可惜 (it's a pity);惋惜 (to regret)
本义: 哀痛,哀伤 (Original meaning: sorrow, grief)
造字法: 形声。从心,昔声。 (Character formation: phonetic-logographic; composed of “heart” and “past” components)
同本义: be deep sorrow; be grieved.
Cherish, value, emphasize, and not waste or squander.
Feel sorry for someone or something; have pity for.
Pity; compassion for others.
Be greedy; have an insatiable desire.
Stingy; reluctant to spend or part with.
1. 《说文》: 惜,痛也。 (It means pain.)
2. 《楚辞・惜誓序》: 惜者,哀也。 (To lament is to sorrow.)
3. 汉·贾谊《论积贮疏》: 为陛下惜之。 (To lament for Your Majesty.)
4. 宋·苏洵《六国论》: 惜其用武不终。 (Regret that the military power was not fully realized.)
5. 清·袁枚《黄生借书说》: 岁月为可惜。 (Time is to be cherished.)
可惜 (worth grieving);痛惜 (deeply regret);惜伤 (grief).
珍惜, 爱惜, 重视不糟蹋耗费 (To cherish, to treasure, to value without waste).
吝惜 (to be overly frugal);怜惜 (to sympathize);珍惜 (to treasure);惜玉 (to tenderly care for women);惜体面 (to care about one's reputation);惜福 (to be wealthy but not overly indulgent);惜护 (to protect with great care);惜名 (to value one's reputation).
惋惜: feel sorry for someone or something.
Example: 爱惜 (to value deeply, to have sympathy).
哀怜, 哀悯: to feel pity for others; to show compassion.
《楚辞・惜誓》: 惜余年老而日衰兮 (Pity as time passes and one ages).
《滕王阁序》: 杨意不逢,抚凌云而自惜 (Regretting one's unfulfilled potential).
贪婪, 贪求: to be avaricious; greedy for; have an insatiable desire for.
Example: 《楚辞・惜诵》: 惜诵以致愍兮 (Pitying the failure to memorize the verses).
吝惜; 舍不得: to be reluctant to part with something.
李陵《答苏武书》: 子卿视陵,岂偷生之士,而惜死之人哉 (Are you a coward who values life over the dead?).
唐·白居易《卖炭翁》: 驱将惜不得 (To drive away is to be unwilling to part).
孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略序》: 不惜牺牲生命 (Not hesitating to sacrifice one's life).
惜吝 (to be stingy); 不惜工本 (not spare effort); 不惜金玉 (not spare gold or jewels).
爱的、珍惜的、舍不得的。如: 惜福、吝惜、爱惜、死不足惜、怜香惜玉。
悲痛、哀伤。如: 痛惜。