Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "羽", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "羽", and master the standard way of writing the character "羽".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 羽
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "羽" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
羽 [yǔ]
(1) Bird's feather.
(2) Wings of fish or insects; in Taoist legends, refers to flying immortals.
(3) Feathers on arrows, which can also refer to arrows.
(4) One of the five ancient musical notes, equivalent to "6" in simplified notation.
1. Bird's feather: 鸟的毛。~毛。~绒。~书。~衣。~扇。~族(指鸟类)。~旗。~檄(羽书)。
2. Wings of fish or insects; in Taoist legends, refers to flying immortals: ~翼。~翰(翅膀)。~士(a.会飞的仙人;b.道士)。
3. Feathers on arrows, which can also refer to arrows: ~猎。
4. One of the five ancient musical notes, equivalent to "6" in simplified notation.
羽 [yǔ]
(1) Bird's feather; specifically refers to the long feathers of birds.
(2) Pictographic character; the oracle bone script depicts a feather shape, representing the long plumes of birds. "羽" is a radical in Chinese characters, often related to feathers.
1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] feather)
2. Birds ([En.] bird)
3. Wings of birds or insects ([En.] wing)
4. Figuratively refers to assistance ([En.] assistance)
5. Ancient feathers on arrows; also refers to arrows ([En.] arrow)
6. Ancient dance items made from pheasant feathers, carried by musicians ([En.] plume)
7. Flags ([En.] flag)
8. Fans ([En.] fan)
9. Letters ([En.] letter)
10. Followers, friends ([En.] friend)
11. Mountain names ([En.] Yu mountain)
12. Measure word for pigeons
1. "说文": 羽,鸟长毛也。象形。
2. "孔子家语·执辔": 羽虫三百六十,而凤为之长。
3. "周礼·舞师": 教羽舞。
4. "左传·隐公五年": 初献六羽。
5. "考工记·钟氏": 染羽。
6. "墨子·旗帜": 剑盾为羽旗,车为龙旗。
如: 羽葆鼓吹(仪仗乐队);羽葆翠盖(以翠羽连缀为饰的华丽车盖);羽葆花旌(仪仗旗帜);羽仪廊庙(指受到朝廷重视,其德行为满朝文武之楷模);羽旆(用羽毛装饰的旌旗);羽佩(以翠羽为饰的佩带)。
levitation (of Daoist immortal) / to become as light as a feather and ascend to heaven / (in Daoism) to become immortal / to die / of winged insects, to emerge from the cocoon in adult form / eclosion